Transparent materials
- TM 4059-00 /. / Transparent polyurethane varnish /
- TL4303 / transparent polyurethane primer /
- TV4114 / polyurethane hardener /
- TT4250 / polyurethane thinner /
1. Staining / water or organic staining / at the clients request.
- drying about 20-50 minutes.
2. Priming with primer TL4303
- the mixing ratio is 2: 1 / two parts primer TL4303 and one part hardener TV4114 /
- 15% thinner TT4250 is added / depending on the temperature /
- the primer dries in about 30-50 minutes.
3. Intermediate sanding with abrasive sponge or sandpaper size 220-280 or smaller
4. Varnishing with varnish TM4059-00….
- the mixing ratio is the same as for the primer - 2: 1 with 15% thinner
- the nail dries in about 50 minutes.
Consumption rate:
- primer 150-180 gr./m2
varnish 150 g / m2
White materials
- ТН4401-910…. / white polyurethane varnish /
- TF4321-9007 / white polyurethane primer /
- TV4114 / polyurethane hardener /
- TT4250 / polyurethane thinner /
The technology is the same, but 20% or more of TT4250 thinner is added
*) TT4230 - slow polyurethane thinner (used at higher temperatures to prevent drying of the varnish)